Epoxy floors installation costs estimates. Get your epoxy flooring services from Palmer Construction reputed installers in Harare. We make your property special with our beautiful designs and rates starting from $45 per square meter supply and fix. There is a wide range of various designs to choose from. This type of flooring is normally the last of construction works after completion of wall paintings, electricals and plumbing fittings. They are resistant to chemicals and acids, meaning they are long lasting and strong. Suitable for residential and commercial use

Epoxy flooring is easy to clean and very responsive to polish. Its shiny finish gives a beautiful reflection of everything around it. They also very easy to install hence we normally take less that 3 working days to start and complete house installations.

They are also suitable for warehouses and other places with heavy traffic. This material is resistant to loads hence you can operate forklifts within warehouses without any trouble.
Call or whatsapp us today for a free quote.