
Sauna construction Harare Zimbabwe Palmer

Sauna is believed to be one of the best remedies for colds, flue, heart diseases, stress, asthma and sore muscles. It is considerably one of the important rooms of any sports facility. Be it a stand alone gym, aerobics, martial arts and any other body workout center, you need a sauna.

Palmer is a specialist company offering design and construction services of sauna. With years of experience in the civil engineering field, we are proud to offer durable structures. Our sauna designs incorporate wood benches, rocks, timber, insulation, electric element, bricks and more.

These rooms are also ideal for home and personal use as they are primarily for relaxation and general body therapy. We use high quality materials hence no need to worry about maintenance. Our quotations for construction and installation of necessary equipment are for supply and fix. They are available on same day of request.

Feel free to contact us on any of the contact numbers or email on our website.