Our focus is to optimize and speedup in-store operations, precisely cut down time at self-checkouts with a limited tech-investment impact.The vision is to build fully automated stores that lead to customized shopping experience and stock optimization, with significant reduction in food disposal,increased profitability, new services and added value for customers.
With a wide range of options and new players continuously entering the industry, it can be difficult to know which online payment solution will best compliment your startup’s eCommerce platform.
We took our top choices in the market and break down the pro’s and con’s for you to help you make an informed choice.Before we get into the actual solutions, we think it’s important to cover the basic lay of the land to accepting payments online, and go into some important trends happening in eCommerce.After that we will give you our top payment solution choices, their features, and what you need to know to make the best choice for your startup.
At Palmer, we are here to work for you. With each task, we apply the high standard of professional skill and service to ensure a quality roof over the client’s head. From day one, we provide honesty, integrity and quality in all aspects of the job. We work with your insurance companies for a rate that has your best interests in mind. We do not charge hidden fees or change the rates without notifying you. We apply quality in the materials and tools we use.