Palmer contract with private and public sector energy users to provide cost-effective energy efficiency retrofits across a wide spectrum of client facilities, from college campuses to water treatment plants. Effectively utilizing a performance-based contract business model,we have implemented significant comprehensive energy efficiency retrofit projects. We partner with local utilities and governmental organizations to provide Zimbabwe with energy-saving products and services that save you energy. Best of all – there is little or no cost to you.
Techniques for improving energy efficiency at the enterprise level are constantly expanding, from installing LED street and area lighting to the installation of renewable energy equipment. The benefits are real, and the costs do not need to be a barrier.
Palmer’s comprehensive energy services specialists can navigate customers through the financing and implementation of customized energy efficiency projects, as well as the operation and maintenance of new equipment, tapping the potential of energy conservation to generate cost savings. Palmer finds budget-neutral solutions that put the energy-efficient upgrades customers need within financial reach.
We develop, design, build, and arrange financing for projects that save energy, reduce energy costs, and decrease operations and maintenance costs at their customers’ facilities. In general, we act as project developers for a comprehensive range of energy conservation measures and assume the technical and performance risks associated with a project.
We are distinguished from other firms that offer energy-efficiency improvements in that they use the performance-based contracting methodology. When an Palmer implements a project, the company’s compensation is directly linked to the actual energy cost savings.