Palmer Construction offers an unique opportunity: using solar electricity to lower operating costs. Farmers use their solar electricity first to reduce their power bills. But if they don’t need it, the electricity flows back to the streets. Net Metering agreements with utilities allows farm owners to get a credit for this exported electricity, and the credits applied to later purchases. Some farms build a healthy credit during the summer to offset their purchases during the winter. Since farms have the advantage of large roofs or areas for ground mounts, these systems are the most economical to install.
What’s in it for Farmers? How would you like to buy 30 years worth of electricity for less than 10 cents per kilowatt hour. Here’s how:
What’s in it for farmers?Control of current power costs: A solar system can produce 20 to 100% of the annual power needed to run a farm. With the incentives solar electricity is significantly lower buying power from your utility. Add future rate increase and the solar electricity gets cheaper every year.
Lower Kilowatt Hour Costs – Typical Commercial Solar Systems will fix electricity costs at 6-9 cents per Kilowatt Hour (see the math below). That is based on the installed system costs divided by the production over the system life. Today, the business rates are have a wide range, depending on province and business size. But typically, Solar Electricity is almost half of the cost of buying power from utilities – and every rate increase makes solar an even better deal!
Investment: A solar system typically yields 5-10% rate of return on the cash invested. Since solar systems last 30 years or more, it’s like a long term GIC. Commercial customers can take advantage of Class 43.2 Accelerated Capital Cost Allowance for an even better rate return.
Empowerment: Now you are in control of your own power. Rising costs will not affect you in the same way. Plan for lower costs when you retire, and enhance the value of your property.Green your business: Show your customers you want to lead by example.
The initial step is to assess your farm, determine the optimum solar system for you, and predict the performance and revenue generation potential. We can do this with photographs, Google Earth and perhaps a site visit. If you decide to proceed, we’ll survey your buildings, perform a structural assessment, and recommend roof reinforcement if necessary. Our team will and do the mechanical and electrical designs and plan your installation.Our solar systems, our expertise is strong and professional.